The application of a new passport is a task longer and more time than other passport services, such as a renewal or change of name. The fees for drafting a new application for a passport are more pure. Because of the additional investment of time and money required to obtain a new passport, you want to do everything possible to avoid delays or possibly the rejection of the application. The following is a list of five things that you should take steps to ensure that the application is processed and you get the new passport without any complications.
Do not make mistakes on the application.
This may seem obvious, but it is very easy to make mistakes on the application for a passport. You've probably heard the saying, "To err is human." One reason it is so easy to make mistakes on the application of a passport is because most of information requests for personal information such as your name, address, date and place of birth, telephone number, social security number, e - mail, etc. It's so easy to write the information without thinking twice. However this is exactly what should be done. Complete the application slowly. Check your answers. Verify the data. Get it right before you turn it on and you can avoid unnecessary problems.
Do not sign the application before you're asked to do so.
New passport applications must be submitted to an official passport application acceptance agent. Many post offices and county offices serve as secretary of acceptance application. A staff member will help the signing of your application. That is why the new passports have an additional cost of execution that is paid separately from the application fee. If you sign the application before submitting to the agent, you should complete another.
Do not send photocopies of proof of citizenship.
One requirement for obtaining a new passport is to provide proofing of U.S. citizenship. Primary documents that proves citizenship include a U.S. passport previously issued, a certificate of birth certificates, a consular report of birth abroad or certification of birth, a naturalization certificate or certificate of citizenship. The document you present must be an original or a certified copy. We do not accept photocopies. For example, the Department of State, a certificate of birth certificates and a gate, there were, in relief, impressed or multicolored seal, signature of the Registrar, and the date the certificate was filed with the Office of Registrar, which must be within 1 year of your birth. "The document will be returned.
Do not forget to sign the check to Passport Services.
Surprisingly, some applicants complete the application properly, collect the necessary documents, acquiring new passport photos, taken all at an acceptance facility, is testimony to their agent signing, pay the fee for execution, all in an envelope, and Leave without having signed the check for the application fee.
Do not wait until the last minute to apply.
Regular passport processing can take 4 or more weeks. During peak seasons or periods of change in the requirements of the passport, the time required to process an application can increase significantly. Wait until the last minute to request a new passport, not just cost more money, they can also ask more of your time and lead to greater stress. There is a fee of $ 60 for emergency services. Processing time decreases by 2 or 3 weeks. If you are asked to obtain a passport more quickly, you will either have to visit a regional passport agency or contract a private Expediter. A trip to the regional passport agency cost days or more, depending on how you should take to get there. Contracting the services of a Expediter passport can cost about $ 50 to $ 300 more, depending on how quickly you need the passport. The recommendation is that you apply for a new passport at least 3 months before the date of you're planned, visit.
Applying for a passport and visa is always a hard and annoying thing to do. This post got a lot of details and information that a lot of people will find useful. Thanks for the post!
Man i liked this post very much ... Especially " Do not wait until the last minute to apply " , Cuz it's the crisis of that age that everybody is very lazy to do anything and they got shocked when they know that the train passed them .
Thanks for the post
those are very important steps
thks a lot its a wonderful article
its so helpful
You are actually right about everything you said there. I tend to be careless when it comes to things like these. i am planning to travel very soon. I'm glad i came accross your post. thanks.
yah thanks for this information.. even though i know this already but sometimes u forget..
keep posting!!
hello my brother
this information is very useful
thank you very match
useful information, especially for those who often go out country ...thanks for your information.
i never go outside my country before. and this article very useful for people who will like to go to trip. passport is important thing and should prepare properly. thanks
Hello!!Was here to visit you back today..Have a wonderful day to you.I appreciate your input.
thanks mate, nice information. i was about to apply for passport next week for my business visits this information gave me a good knowledge about applying for the passport
Yes, for making a passport Never ever wait till for the last days.for me i make my passport 4-5 weeks before the deadline
It has been years since I've had a passport because I haven't been able to afford to travel (lol). Your post is very useful and full of info I had forgotten since I last applied for a passport. Handy to know not to send photocopies as proof of citizenship. Thanks...
i am still struggling to apply for the passport when ever i go they are rejecting my application , this information is very use ful to me , they are very really things which are not to do , thank you for the information.
Hay thanks for this info, your blog saved my money and time.I am planning to go to qatar, do you have any suggestion for a good travel agent for qatar.
hey i really liked the information and gives me some knowledge and tips about applying for a new new passport and this information is really useful for me
I read your article about the various Tips to apply for passport ... you were 100% right application of passport is the long process than any other process such as renewal or change of name .. people who are going to apply for passport can find your article very useful
Hey thanks for the information. I'll ask my wife to read this article. My wife is going to apply for a new passport soon. These tpips will be very useful for her.
passport is very important to all persons i think,and everyone should knows how to apply and how to gain,but so many people did't know know till now how to apply,so,this article must helpful to those peoples,and one of the guy i was,thanks for providing this useful information for all and me.
thanks buddy for giving me such a nice information abt the passport issues.. i was not aware of this.. thanks a lot.
Thank you for such an informative blog. The points you have highlighted are very useful and practical. This article is like a handbook for persons who apply for a Passport.
Thank you for the informative blog. I am thinking to apply passport and this is a handy article for me about the things i should remember.
this is the super article,nice thing to note before for applying passport,thanks for this article.
Passport is a very important thing you should care about when you travel abroad.Passport issues are rally bad maybe they can cause delay in your work.This article provide many useful suggestions.Thanks
It is absolutely necessary to make sure that we dont wait until last minute to apply for passport. The points you have mentioned is very useful and thanks for the information
You have a very well explained article, it is so easy to understand. You are absolutely right in all the items you discussed. My husband experienced it, his gender on his previously issued passport was female instead of male. It was due to plain carelessness. So thanks for the tips.
well i am about to apply for passport as i am planning to go abroad, i will keep in mind these tips. can you please assist in how to get student visa for UK?
in my country(indonesia), we have no family name.Would it be a problem?If yes can you please give me detail information how to deal with?
Good thing u posted this, i always wanted to go to australia. But you need a visum to go there...
Didn't knew all this... Thx man!
nice tips. thanks for provide useful tips for holiday trip.
Thanks a lot for the tips... i tend to make a lot of mistakes when it comes to anything that invlolves papers... I am planning to travel in the next quarter.i am glad i read your post.
I am planning to get a passport. The things you have stated here were really big help for me. I really need these information so, thank you for sharing. Passport is indeed important for anyone who want to travel. I just hope the processing in our place is easy.