It would have been different if not ... if we were all so dependent on our lap tops, no one would dream of leaving the house without our proprietor of reliable information. Sure you can walk with a USB device, but what happens if there are computers in your room or you want to make some changes to a document and the sales office is closed?
Yes, it is essential to take it with you, and here are 9 things to remember when traveling with it.
1. Adapter - before planning your trip double check to see if you need an AC adapter in the country you will visit.
2. Packaging - do not pack your laptop in checked baggage, as the bag can be beating around the car damaged. Do not store in the space over-head is for the same reason.
3. If properly implemented - be sure that your case has adequate insulation if your laptop falls, even though it improved a lot in the manufacturing process, err on the side of caution.
4. Moving onto X-rays - the computer is secure, the car is not bad. It must however be careful of metal detectors - that could damage.
5. Battery - before you leave, make sure the battery is fully charged, as you may be asked to prove that he is working at customs, or better still boot up when you reach the airport to maintain the line.
6. Closely monitor - you should never leave your computer alone, better safe than sorry, as you never know who you are having company.
7. Store the documents of others - if you have to store documenting, files or disks at the same carrying case to make sure they are in a safe folder or pocket, or, when you open the case, these additional elements can fly all over the place.
8. Protection of information - if you use it to make sure that sensitive information is not on screen, be aware of people around you and how much attention they are paying for what they're doing.
9. Documentation - on foot, with proof of ownership, just a precaution. When I return home, you do not want to pay again for something that you have. And 'your responsibility to prove that this is a pre-owned car and not something that you purchased your trip.
this was nice,one more also should be added , you should get a solar charger or windup charger , becos it might be very handy when u go for trekking in a deep forest and always remember to take waterproof bags for carrying these things , once again well written article thanx
Thank you for this post, we might be going abroad next year if our plan goes well. Oh! I don't know metal detectors could damaged the laptop, how can we avoid that? Everything passes through that thing right?
You must put a number 10, like: PSP, MP3/MP4 Player, or Nintendo DS or BOOK to spend your time !!
wow that was nice tips ... i often move around from town to town with my lappie :)
Thanks a lot for this article. I have added the things you mentioned in my check list because a travel to often and forget many of these things. Angeline17 is right. they past almost everything from the metal detectors. How could they be avoided?
I always remember my adapter, and like your tip i always make sure that my battery is fully charged, I tavelled once and my batteries went dead, And I have no place to recharge it. That was a lesson for me and good thing you inculded it in your post! thanks!
It's take me much time to prepare before I travel for business.And my laptop is one of my must-have items.Your suggest help me to protect my data and keep my laptop safely.Thanks
tnks to you this is important information and i will loook after the laptop and itis charge in the travel so thanks again
Yes without your notebook you cant do anything, you also should need a wireless internet connection when you are abroad.
oh! u remembered me the ponit 4.it is very critical indeed.once when i went a trip to nepal i was denied to enjoy the beuty because of this reason.--the battery.
Nice, you pointed out helpful things that are a MUST. My laptop is VERY valuable because of the laptop it self, and the thousands of information.
good suggestions there, i dint know that a laptop can be affected by metal detectors, thanks. .
I would not have thought of carrying proof of ownership with me, so that is useful. I would be wary of putting my laptop through the x ray machine, is it not damaging?
I'm planning to travel abroad. all the above tips are going to help me. According to me the adaptor is the most important thing. I'll surely double check that. Also I'll be careful while going through the X-ray
i always keep my laptop case in which i keep extra battry charger,headph and Internet USB devise,,,that connects me with the world.i use to pack up required things a day before.thanx for the list of informtaion.
I never leave my laptop behind when i travel. I usually take my work with me. I always take my adapter with me too, esle, i would be so frustrated. And extra battery pack would come in handy too.
hehehe..i forgot closed my monitor while i'm off to outdor..someone read my data.
i don't travel with my laptop, it's too risky. besides, what's the point of having a vacation if i still bring my work.
Good tips on taking the laptop with you.Personally i don't take my laptop with me during vacations unless it is a business trip.But they can be really handy too.Thanks for the nine tips,really helped me.
its a must read for all who travel abroad so frequently ,the things people often tend to forget have been issued here and people before leaving can just have a look at this and can remember about things which they forget and can take with them. so it helps people to be careful and travel with all their needs.
the 9 things given in the blog are very useful when traveling abroad, thanks for the article.
It is an in depth post on traveling.
Overseas travel can be a rich and rewarding experience however; the well-informed traveler should keep a few simple tips in mind before leaving for that trip of a lifetime. A first consideration is taking a few minutes in front of the computer and research the country, to which you are traveling. Take some time to get information on the country's culture.