You've finally decided to make real your desire to visit Russia, Ukraine or any other republic of the former Soviet Union to conduct business, take in some sightseeing or to indulge your hopes of finding the best way (smart choice). Not be taken lightly and that you have done your homework to learn about the traditions, culture and places that you want to visit. You feel quite prepared for the adventure ahead, but a harsh reality remains to be addressed - do not speak fluent Russian. Yes, this can be a great challenge and this could indicate the appropriate time to use the services of an interpreter.
For some, this service could be useful during communication and call your Russian friend who does not speak fluent English or even with sufficient knowledge to make conversation enough. Maybe he feels will provide the edge needed in your business dealings? Apart from its near-term motivation, you need to communicate effectively with someone in their native language to provide each interaction with the potential to be more successful.
Taking an interpreter can be a great opening moves, but do not think that your communication problems are resolved automatically when taking the decision. In fact, your challenges may be just starting. Based on my experience of interpreting for large corporate customers and individual clients, I share some simple tips to help make any communications as effective as possible.
Tamara five simple rules for the use of an interpreter
1. Discussing the game plan ahead of time.
When possible, make an effort to discuss the theme of the meeting with the interpreter in advance if it is not a dialog box every day. To interpret correctly, he or she needs to know the main points you plan to do before them.
2. Maintain eye contact with the person you want to communicate.
Many tend to look the person you're talking about (the interpreter), however, is extremely important for you to watch your Russian counterpart, instead of building a bond. When deciding where to sit, making sure to place your interpreter between her and her Russian counterpart.
3. Pause frequently to allow interpretation.
You will have to change the length of time you are accustomed to speak. Be sure to pause after a long sentence or sentences couple. When the topic is particularly important, stop after every sentence and allow the interpreter to finish before continuing. (E 'difficult at first to communicate through an interpreter literally takes twice as long to say something, but patience will be one of the keys to successful communication.)
4. Never say anything you do not want to listen to others.
Although this seems simple, even if the Russians are using an interpreter, remember that could include some 'of English. It is often the case that the Russians know little 'of English and understand more than they are able to articulate. Minimize his embarrassment, avoiding saying anything that would not have shared with a native English speaker.
5. Follow-up with a written summary of what was discussed.
Not only is this a smart business practice, but this shows his commitment to open and clear communication. Take note of the decisions that were made as this could help to clarify some points.
As always, keep calm, patient and positive (smile) when communicating though an interpreter. When you look comfortable, those around you will feel more at ease too. If you make sure your interpreter knows what you're talking about, you chances of success will be much higher.
For some, this service could be useful during communication and call your Russian friend who does not speak fluent English or even with sufficient knowledge to make conversation enough. Maybe he feels will provide the edge needed in your business dealings? Apart from its near-term motivation, you need to communicate effectively with someone in their native language to provide each interaction with the potential to be more successful.
Taking an interpreter can be a great opening moves, but do not think that your communication problems are resolved automatically when taking the decision. In fact, your challenges may be just starting. Based on my experience of interpreting for large corporate customers and individual clients, I share some simple tips to help make any communications as effective as possible.
Tamara five simple rules for the use of an interpreter
1. Discussing the game plan ahead of time.
When possible, make an effort to discuss the theme of the meeting with the interpreter in advance if it is not a dialog box every day. To interpret correctly, he or she needs to know the main points you plan to do before them.
2. Maintain eye contact with the person you want to communicate.
Many tend to look the person you're talking about (the interpreter), however, is extremely important for you to watch your Russian counterpart, instead of building a bond. When deciding where to sit, making sure to place your interpreter between her and her Russian counterpart.
3. Pause frequently to allow interpretation.
You will have to change the length of time you are accustomed to speak. Be sure to pause after a long sentence or sentences couple. When the topic is particularly important, stop after every sentence and allow the interpreter to finish before continuing. (E 'difficult at first to communicate through an interpreter literally takes twice as long to say something, but patience will be one of the keys to successful communication.)
4. Never say anything you do not want to listen to others.
Although this seems simple, even if the Russians are using an interpreter, remember that could include some 'of English. It is often the case that the Russians know little 'of English and understand more than they are able to articulate. Minimize his embarrassment, avoiding saying anything that would not have shared with a native English speaker.
5. Follow-up with a written summary of what was discussed.
Not only is this a smart business practice, but this shows his commitment to open and clear communication. Take note of the decisions that were made as this could help to clarify some points.
As always, keep calm, patient and positive (smile) when communicating though an interpreter. When you look comfortable, those around you will feel more at ease too. If you make sure your interpreter knows what you're talking about, you chances of success will be much higher.
good topic
and nice place
the quality of perfect person with the others is defined very beautifully in the above article...communication skill is very important in the every person !!!
Hey dear i can collect nice information from your site keep it up pleas
thank you fro sharing your useful article. my myself never go to europe, especially visiting russia. but i hope someday i can walk and travel to this nice country.
That was really an excellent article and i would hope to add one more point with that resent technology development leads almost every people to carry a blackberry or I phone or whatever
they could just connect to google translation website for a quick reference like u say ordering a russian food when you are in hotel etc..
tanks for giving us that useful information.
all that information make me full aware so before going to any trip i will be fully prepared. good sharing.