Following the Second World War, thousands of soldiers rushed, home and soon married and started families. The result? There are over 76.1 million baby boomers alive today --- about 28% of the population of the United States. A baby boomer now turns 62 years old every 7 seconds, and as this generation age, the number of people in the United States aged 65 and over is projected to almost double by 2030. Quick Statistics show that over fifty age group of baby boomers will earn about two billion dollars, in control of more than seven billion dollars of wealth and own 77% of assets in the United States. That is not all, baby boomers also control 50% of discretionary power in government and private organizations.
Okay, so big deal. Baby boomers are a huge population and influential early hours of retiring. However guess what 'boom, many are going to do during retirement? You guessed it --- they are planning to travel around the globe. In fact, they have already traveled more than any other generation in the history of the United States. And, retired, well over half of baby boomers plan to travel regularly, and one quarter of them have already decided to go to a once-in-a-memorable holiday in the next decade! Believe it or not, this group of travel places as a higher priority than spending more time with friends and relatives (48%), getting fit (37%), or find a healthier way of life (31% ).
As experienced travelers, they expect boomers to look for exotic destinations, less structure, and more 'hands-on' ways of experiencing the world. They do not typically herd book-like bus tours, sight seeing, boring-Tours, or the most common destinations. Experiences only turn them on. They desire a stimulating culture / social experience, a lot of interaction, and 'adventure travel experiences'.
Adventure Travels is physically challenging outdoor activities or off-the-beaten-path destination and experience. Boomers want to find things in real life, the nitty-gritty of how people around the world actually think and live. Boomers want to learn and improve --- therefore, intellectually stimulating journey also holds significant appeal to this group.
While most babies boomers plan to travel with a partner or friends, more than 11% shows that I would not mind traveling alone. Australia and New Zealand tend to show how the most popular sites at the moment, but Europe is not far behind, then come, China, Russia, Africa, Antarctica, and of course the good ole USA. What are some of the children of the boom activities are enthusiastic? Objectives include off-road adventure, piloting a helicopter, scuba diving, and participation in various music festivals ....
Baby boomers do not mind leaving someone else to do with booking details, but want to know that their travel agent knows exactly the kind of travel experience and imagine. They want agents who know the full range of leisure travel and adventure travel in the industry and how to help them access these excursions. Travel Planners, now you have received proper notice. So here's a baby boomer and for the next three decades or so. May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at you're back , and all your dreams come true adventure of seniority.
hello my brother
information is very useful
thank you very much
hello wow good. i wish talk with my family