Have you been in Indonesia? Most people know more about Bali in Indonesia, while in reality, it is Bali in Indonesia. Bali is a province of Indonesia. It 'an island that attracts tourists from many other countries. Indonesia itself has many other tourist destinations. Indonesia is an exotic country. He has more than 17,000 islands, the second longest coastline in the world. Indonesia is a tropical country. Has so many kinds of tropical plants and animals that are truly worth living.
The other interesting thing for tourism in Indonesia is their culture. Indonesia has about tree several hundred ethnic groups and 250 different languages, all with their different cultures. Indonesia makes rich traditional culture, that you will never end enjoying. Many traditional ceremonies and exotic place like temples, traditional houses and shows. Borobudur, a Hindu temple is a must when visiting Indonesia. It 'a wonder of the world that attracts foreign tourists to come. Another temple, Prambanan is also a magical time that, according to the folktale, was built in one day.
The local people of Indonesia are famous with their warmth and kindness. Enjoy the smile and the warm welcome that is already in their blood for many years. Indonesia was all the more worthy of visit.
However, many incidents have been happening in recent years. Reduce foreign tourists visiting significantly. July 2009, seven people died by suicide bombers in JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton Hotel in Jakarta. It begins back in a few years before, with an attack in Bali, which has also taken some lives even foreign travelers. Even if terrorists were arrested and executed with the death penalty, the country is not 100% sure. There might be another possibility of terrorist acts to happen. Such acts anarchist did a great disappointment for all the peoples of the world especially the locals. Please stop all threats in Indonesia.
one of my uncle lives in indonesia and i have heared alot about this, i am planning to visit indonesia next month, i would definitely explore this site.
I love Indonesia so much, growing up, and live in java island, my father from Aceh my mom from jogja and I was born in Cianjur...
Indonesia is a heaven for me...
Indonesia is very beautiful
We hope that not taking place any of these incidents in any place
I hope to visit indonesia soon
A bit of Correction, Borobudur is Bhudist temple not Hindu, Prambanan is.
Indonesia is a geat place, has more than 17,000 islands, the second longest coastline in the world. with its natural scenery , it is very lucky to visit and enjoy the natural,indonesia.
Indonesia is great county hope i can go there some day for vecation
Indonesia is my country, I live in Indonesia. Many place in Indonesia is very good, very beautyfull, very-very nice. I love Indonesia.
yes, i have visited indonesia twice. i feel very lucky to visit it because i am really amazed to see its unconditional beauty.i think the Borobudur is really one of the most beautiful temple around the Globe, and it is really worth visiting.its also surprising to me that Indonesia has 250 different languages.
its an islamic country , with world's most no. o f Muslims as per density[read some where] , the threat is always there,its very sad that such a scenic beauty is going through a rough phase!
17000 islands. hhhmmmm.... quite a place, looking forward to see this one
cool posting , keep posting
wow..i have never been to indonesia..but when i saw your post...i feel like fling there now...
i like exotic...and dangerous... that's where the adventure is...
great... post more... very well thought of!
Its a good thing to know how good to be in Bali. I think this is one of the places that me and my family will go. I hope its ok down there
I love indonesia very much.Indonesia is very beautiful country. I feel like fling there now..
It is a islamic country.Indonesia has more than 17,000 island and i am planning to go there next year.
I have a good friend from Indonesia and she has introduced me to some of the culture but I am yet to travel there. I would love to do the tourist things and visit Bali. Jakarta would be my next stop.Great post, thanks.
hi everyone i'm indonesian and live in bali (i'm balinese). Many place in indonesia good to see as a tourist destination. Not juast Bali. Whoever you are you must come to my country to see how beautiful is and you will not regret.
About the some incidents, it can be happen anywhere, anytime. And our goverment with our police department not sleep to hunt the suspect that make terror. as you know in the middle of September 2009 the most wanted terorist has been killed by our police department. And they still hunt the other suspect. Until indonesia live in peace and also the world. We want live in peace not in terror
I'm so glad to read your post, because I'm Indonesian.
Indonesia is a beautiful country with more than 13000 island. Lombok Island, Bali Island (as known as the God's Island), Java, Sumatra, and many more.
Dont be afraid to visit Indonesia because of Terrorism, because Indonesian local police already catch Noordin M Top. FYI Noordin is the man behind the Bali bombing, Ritz Caltron and JW Mariot bombing, etc.
very glad to read your post about indonesia, i came from Indonesia, its good country for vacation..
thank for posting about indonesia tourism. indonesia is very Dangerously Beautiful place. Indonesia has many cultures and it is a genuine culture of Indonesia. because of the many cultures that have Indonesia, a country which claims to culture as a culture Indonesia,very embarrassing.
and dont worry about Terrorism,because Noordin M Top already catch as the saying comment mutyraydesign on the above
I love you Blue of Indonesia. This place is like a Paradise City.
first, i want to thank you for sharing my exotic country to others. i lived in bandung, also known as paris van java, a beautiful city in java island.. we have hundreds of local cultures & places you can visits.. not only Bali islands.. my friend at Canada told me.. sometimes foreign people thought that Bali is a small country near Indonesia.. LOL thats funny.. haha...
Indonesian archipelago is very interesting and exotic is not one to be a tourist destination