Although we have had over 96% of all Chinese citizens never their passports stamped, it is obvious when one of the major United, States cities, see Chinese tourists to go see. If one to Las Vegas, it's unbelievable, the number of Chinese middles-class tourists who come to see the big Las Vegas. Interestingly enough, Las Vegas has really nothing to look like Shanghai or Beijing, as compared with the cities as the cities of the future. However, Chinese citizens are increasingly traveling on airplanes and buses, and the Americas.
This is extremely good news, especially considering that the United States has seen better days, tourism and hospitality industry. Imagine, as the Chinese middle class expands, as many Chinese come to America to visit? In fact, you could have imagined that the hospitality industry are working hard to talk people, both Chinese and English, hiring will be. Although about 40 million Chinese are now learning the English language, most of them speak only broken English, just enough to already by now.
By 2020 it is estimated that Beijing Airport 50 million visitors per year, and they will go to destinations near far. Although the United States of America halfway around the world from China, it is surprising that so many Chinese dream for America and checking it out, and soon they will probably only have the money to do it.
Fortunately, the United States has many large sites like the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, New York, and Disney World in Orlando. These are all favorite destinations for the Chinese middle class. Surely grow over time, this list is, and it will bring back to the Chinese some wonderful, our money and spend. Please remember these things.
it is interesting that middle class chinese are visiting the big rich cities like los-vegas,nice article man,this great to hear.
wow i didnt know it is that much chinese that travels to US every year... having tourists does help the economy but may have its downsides too... great informative post!
wow, lots of chinese travel to US these days, i wonder if I can meet one of those fine cute women in Texas
one of major reasons is that them chinese enjoy a better economy than us american gringos, when our economy improves more in the pong run we will match this travel for sure i am confident
of course the US country is still interest everyone to come, not only china people. thank for sharing this article. i just wondering because it is hard to became US citizen and we need green card for that. i think that is because there are a lot of opportunity in US so many people for another country would like to visit.
it is interesting to know that also lots of chinese are now into traveling to US, just like other asian people like us. financially they really can afford to travel a lot.
WOW.... I think not only Chinese. Most of ASIAN go to USA for vacation. Go to the US is my family's dream. US is the great country. Many artist, singer, and entertainment life there. I really want to go to US. Someday... I will step on US. Here we go...
I think chinese people travel all over the world lol.The US is a interesting place to visit for not only chinese but also the Asian people.It's like another world,more developing and more modern.One of the reason is the living standard in china is getting better so many people can afford a trip to USA
Nice to read this post. I think Asian's especially people from India always dream to visit US. When it comes to Chinese people; Don't you think Chinese people visit US to survey the marketplace for their products?
Generally Chinese are very good in replicating things. The people from China might have gone to US to make their own cities like that. I have come to know this after visiting China. The Chhinese people do the things in Right direction to having a promising future. In the next couple of years they will develop a city just exactly like as US cities.
Yes really it is right US country is everyone interest to visit..Visit the US is especially Asian's dream.i didn't know that chinese travels to US every year to survey the marketplace of their things.very interest to read this article..anyways nice information..
Finally I have read some interesting informations about tourism. It seems that Asian people become more and more rich. I want to visit US but of course I need a visa because I`m from Europe. Its very nice article so I`ll recomment it to my friends.
I'm a Chinese, but I have not been to America yet, I hope I can make a travel to American land some day. Now more and more Chinese go traveling to US, that is a miraculous country