Commenting on the unique place names can be a tricky business, as you risk alienating readers from their fields with your inbox swells with "What about here ..?" e-mail similar style. In dissecting the many weird and wonderful names around the world, I decided two provisions in advance, on the one hand that all names of places that I have selected is free of double meaning .. Almost everyone. The rule balances the 2 I wanted to meet is that they must be the real place names, some are common, while other communities are unincorporated, all have wonderfully unique names.
Top Ten beautifully-Named Places On Earth
Boring (Maryland, USA)
Not trivial, like a sound, as its name, Boring was named after a David Boring, who was the mail carrier in the small community.
Hold with Hope (Greenland)
Despite being in one coldest place on earth, Hold With Hope is warmly welcomed to our list.
Last Chance (Colorado, USA.)
So called because it once was the last opportunity for travelers to obtain supplies for many miles, this stunning area with the name must surely have a sedan?
Hell (Michigan, USA).
Taking the "Name hell for all I care" to its extreme, this city is now important for visitors in search of novelty, with presumably "I've been to Hell and Back" style shirts and memorabilia.
Disappointment Island (New Zealand).
This is an uninhabited island, not far from Auckland Island, New Zealand. I guess that is unoccupied, such as the purchase of houses in a place called Island disappointment would be a hard sale for even the most experienced salespeople.
Great Snoring (England).
This small village in England, is located two miles from the equally wonderfully-named Little Snoring. Sleepy little towns really.
Ordinary (Kentucky, USA.)
If there was a new city to be founded near normal, it would surely be called Extraordinary, is not it?
Knob Lords Berkeley (Scotland)
You would not want to pull over ask how to get it? I neither.
Two Eggs (Florida, USA)
In the state of America's sun you can visit two Egg, sunny side up.
What Cheer (Iowa, USA)
This happy sound sightseeing tours out our list and get three cheers from me.
lol .. There's some nice names and funny names as well .. i liked " Ordinary " and " Last Chance " ... and i laughed at many names including " Two Eggs " and " Disappointment Island "
Thanks for the post
i wish i can fly there :P I have to travel first to my country before other places.. right? anyway i already seen some spot in internet not real lol :P iwish hehehe..and some places where u mention are funny places.. hehehe is that for real?
wow .. I wonder at those places, if there is a chance like I had to try it .. thanks, interesting information
Very useful article to people who like to journey around the world to find unique name. There is some interesting places in asia and europe too.
Hello!!Was here to visit you back today..Have a wonderful day to you.I appreciate your input.
i like dissapointed island in new zealand..is it really hard to sell the house in there?why?can someone give me a reason?
The names are unique for a start! Very original names, I haven't heard of any of these except Hell in Michigan. I wonder if they live up to their names; is Boring Maryland really unexciting?
the names of the places are very funny, while speaking to a person if we tell these names where we are going that will be very funny, these names of the places are very intresting, they are really good .
I appreciate your input. i wish i can fly there I have to travel first to my country before other places. thanks for the post.
very useful and i never heard of it before and it makes me to go there as soon as possible.
I hope i can visit ten places. i will make schedule for doing this. very nice information
Very good effort honestly im comming through the names of many of those 10 places for the first time
very good info brother.. am lookin forward to get some more information abt the same.. keep posting.
those names are so funny and nice,i want to visit atleast one place,and my that was my dream also.In my life i had't go any were except my country,so,i know many places,but i think it may not be a dream.thanx for providing good information.
we visit many places and not even think of these funny names.Boring place may not be as and hell cannot be a hell. Nice collective information.
this is the nice article,we visited amny place but this is the unique place name,this is the first time hearing about the place,super article,keep posting,thanks for sharing.
this post is very interesting I have never heard about these name.People are really creative,they invent many funny and strange name :p
Maybe I'll visit one of these place someday
I interested with that place called "Last Chance", it sounds like challenging, and i love new challenge :). Maybe i will give it a visit.
It was amazing and amusing at the same time. You are so wonderful in taking time to research this places. And it is so good of you to share this with us. It is probably exciting to go to these places for real.
really good places. i have been to some of them but not all. i would love to visit the remaining places. i am on a foreign business tour, let me get back i will surely plan to visit these places.
I must say there's a lot of unique names on that list. My favorite is Hell.
Ronnie - "Hey Let's go visit Uncle Teddy"
Mary Beth - "Sure, where does that fool live?"
Ronnie - "Oh... he lives in hell"
Mary Beth - "I'm sorry, but did you say hell?"
Ronnie - "Of course!"
Hahaha, well let's go to hell pals!
I just wondering why they give hell as a name of place. I want to go there. So i can say, "I went ti hell during my holiday"
well, those all are very interesting name of places. thanks for sharing interesting article.
the world is full of hidden gems... i am amzed by how you were able to put them all in one page..thanks a lot.i love reading your post!
Funny!"What did you see in your vacation?
OH!Just Two Eggs and Hell!"
I bet Disappointment Island has a lot of satisfied tourists!
Wow!! i really excited to visit and see those places by myself i have really want to take a whole world tour specially want to see these places having unique names hope to see them unique as well and see whats make them so unique thanks for let us know about these places which i never knew before.
Two Eggs (Florida, USA) Which i never heard whats is sunny side up
can anyone let me know what does this resemble to.
Great Snoring (England)which belongs to me i must visit the townwhich is similar to me