Europe Vacations - The Advantages and Disadvantages of Guided and Non-Guided Tours

Most people only dream of taking a vacation in Europe. Now, this may become a reality for middle-income groups. You need not spend a fortune or your inheritance at once you can catch a whiff of sophisticated sites and sounds of this continent famous. Planning journeys in months of low season and taking advantage of the budget package, you can enjoy Europe with a small budget.

Often, when he toured Europe, sales package to give the choice of a sightseeing tour or a non-guided tour. What is the best option for you? The answer depends on the type of traveler you are, your preferences and your resources.

Non-Guided Tours

Non-guided tours are definitely the answer if you're on a shoestring budget. The cost is certainly much less if you make your way across the continent, armed with his backpack. This type of vacation in Europe is however only a good idea for people who have independent streaks, who love the adventure robust and have a lot of sense. Clearly, going on a trip on their land may be potentially dangerous. Like any other place on earth lively, the cities of Europe, can contain many dangers.

Guide tours

Guided tours can be more expensive. They are, however, safer and more organized. You never decipher the maps confusing, ask around in broken French or look like a kitten lost in the middle of nowhere. If you cannot take the pressure of looking after themselves, guided tours are the way to go.

Where is a first for going on vacation in Europe, we rather be safe than sorry. Consider a non-guided tour only if you've been in Europe before.
11 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    i love to visit new places,and i think Europe is one of exotic place,i want to visit that one,but i prefer guided tours only ,bcz it is a new place to me,so,i don't know anything in that,and advantage is that we visit more place and easily and more comfort wen we visit with guide

  2. Talha Says:

    Well i have never been to europe though my dad has been to london , switzerland, germany and turkey . he said one thing in common for all the places Clean and classical beauty . i think the best part about europe is that its got both natural and man built beauty . You can see that is why many film producers do a lot of shooting scenes in europe.

  3. many place in europe country n very good. I love it.

  4. Korean Drama Says:

    Hey buddy. I would prefer to spend my holiday in the United States of America, or somewhere on another continent. But now with this world crisis, no longer can I afford to go very far from my country. While here in Europe you can visit a lot. For example you can in France, Austria, Germany or Italy. It would be a lot of historical monuments, or many other beautiful things that can be visited.

  5. PoiZn Says:

    i would like to prefer using guided tour. As this will make my travel more organized and safe. You don't have to worry about getting lost. But if you like an adventure, maybe you can use the non guided one :)

  6. Ram Says:

    Guided tour is always better when touring other countries eventhough it is a bit expensive. As said its more safer and well organised. I always prefer guided tours when touring non-familier places and non-guided tours for inland touring. However its a very nice article and thank you very much for sharing.Very useful and informative. Keep sharing.

  7. Unknown Says:

    wow a realy nice place to be and really like the way u elabrated the whole thing here

  8. Robert Says:

    It's more safe with guided tours. You will know for sure that you will arrive at the desired destination... In Europe, i vissited Germnay, France, Holland. It was so fun.

  9. Unknown Says:

    spending our vacation to Europe is my dream and also because i love to travel and see great and exciting places in reality and off course Europe is one of my destination thanks for your tips which is very useful and must keep in mind when make a trip to Europe and also i think guided tour is best choice although its seems to little expansive but you can avoid certain problems and also you can enjoy more in less time.

  10. Anonymous Says:

    I live in Europe and I think this is the best continent I`ve ever lived. First off I reccomend to visit Poland. Krakov or Varsaw where we can have as great time as in the Paradise. Non-Guided Tours are much better than Guide tours- we can save a lot of money and then buy next tickets.

  11. Unknown Says:

    Europe is Worlds most beautiful continents and most visited by the tourist from all over the world. Europe has lot of to offer and see the beauty of the nature and human made castle and architecture.

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